Subzero is an ancestral diet combining protein-rich kibble with freeze-dried fresh meat to give dogs of all breeds & ages the benefits of raw in an easy-to-feed, complete & balanced kibble recipe.
Fresh, never frozen, multi-protein formula. Deboned chicken & turkey, wild-caught Pacific salmon, herring & cod, with Nutriboost chunks of freeze-dried fresh chicken.
Natural botanicals including coconut, whole fruits & vegetables, blueberries, cranberries, carrots & more for powerful sources of antioxidants, prebiotics & probiotics. Increases nutrient absorption. Aids digestion. Â
Grain free. Low GI carbohydrates replace grains. Kibble approx. 14mm can be fed dry, or soaked and fed soft, or wet.Â
Features & Benefits
Rich in Animal Protein: Multiple sources of fresh, never frozen animal ingredients provide protein and essential amino acids for overall health, including deboned free-range chicken, turkey and wild-caught fish. All locally sourced in Canada, where Nutrience is made.Â
Low-Glycemic Carbohydrates: Grains have been replaced by lentils and sweet potatoes, selected for their nutritional value and low-glycemic properties.Â
Botanicals, Whole Fruits & Vegetables: A special botanical blend & coconut oil are used for their ability to provide multiple health benefits, along with whole fruits & vegetables for their naturally high antioxidant & phytonutrient properties.Â
Nutriboost Freeze-Dried Raw: Raw, fresh chicken is freeze-dried to lock in the natural goodness of raw meat, for superior flavour and boosted protein levels.Â
Glucosamine & Chondroitin: Glucosamine & Chondroitin nutritionally support bones and joints for all ages from growth to seniors.
KCAL: 3,700 kcal/kg or 480 kcal/cup ME