WORLD’S FIRST 3 & 2 Dimensional Volcanic Minerals with bio-available collagen.
TUFFROCK G.I. LIQUID is a new approach for horses designed to focus on the cause …not the symptoms … the concept is we may be able to help maintain normal gastro-intestinal conditions as if your horse is free on the range.
G.I. LIQUID is manufactured from our unique range of 100% Australian natural colloidal volcanic minerals with gut acid normalizer. Lovely earthy taste means easy to paste by syringe over the tongue or add to feed.
3 key focus points that may help horses maintain normal G.I. physiology:
A. Gut Acid Imbalance (Ulcer type symptoms)
Light = 50ml x 2 pre feed am + pm for 10 days. Heavy = 50ml x 2 pre feed am + pm for 20 days.
Why? Nominal pH 7.9 = alkaline + bio-available collagen nutrients for stomach linings. May need daily maintenance of 25 ml GI or 20 ml Conditioner Plus (Nominal pH 7.7).
B. Gut Stress (Colic or founder type symptoms) - 50ml x 2 in 12 hours, may need additional 30 ml pre-feed for 30 days.
Why? To help maintain normal acetic acid.. Generally regarded, imbalances lead to hind gut fermentation (pre-cursor to colic).
C. Gut Calm - 50 ml as required, max 200 ml over 24 hours.
Why? A + B = C.
TuffRock GI … recommended for dirt-eating horses. TuffRock GI … can help horses gut get ready for the Equine Joint Formulae or Conditioner Plus.